I will say if you are one who enjoys Personal Development, "You are a Badass" by Jen Sincero is a GOOD read. I'm 4 chapters in and already feeling so much more put together but in my personal life AND the business end of things.
Today I just wanted to touch on the growth I've had with my at home business and how this book has been perfect for that thus far. Do you think its safe to say that the majority of people live in an illusion based on someone elses beliefs? You know, your parents told you something growing up, so then it became YOUR thoughts and so on and so forth? As we grow older, take on responsibilities in our own lives, its safe to say that some stay in that "place" and some step out, creating new tracks, exploring their thoughts and beliefs. When we are growing into adults we get others beliefs, their opinions and their thoughts drilled into our heads and naturally we pass that on many times to our friends and families of our own. Not sure if that's the subconscious mind at work or what. Its important that I become AWARE of my subconscious thoughts and how they change my feelings and thoughts on everyday life events. There's something to be said about drawing from positive energy and staying away from those people and things that don't create that for you. Why would you want to be sucked into their negativity too? It's just creating a negativity in your life that whether you realize it or not, you are FEELING.
I've always had anxiety and so going to a job everyday that I didn't love was scary and gave me feelings of terror and fear everyday. I've always worked hard, I've worked since I was 14 and never NOT had a job so its not a fear of working hard. It's just the fears of failing or the WHAT IF's that come on. When I decided to pursue coaching and running this little fitness business from home and mostly on social media, I had real FEARS. I had a fear that I would fail. The fear of what others would say. The fear of being able to juggle both my job and a baby doing both at home. The fear of just UNKNOWNS plain and simple. But so many times people are in these jobs that they LOATHE and working for someone elses dream - and they forget about their own. In this little PD read I'm currently doing, she stated "Why work for someone who makes your skin crawl?" And that right there should be enough for anyone who is unhappy or wanting a change to say, YES, I'm going to change what I don't like and do something I DO like, and I'm going to pursue it day in and day out. There are times where I've had to believe in the process even when things are at their most uncertain...Even when things did not look bright...I had to realize that there is always a silver lining and that things could look up at any time. And thank God they did. I'm working from home - creating hours for myself and my team around the baby's nap time and her schedule. I'm bettering myself and so many others are getting incredible life changes because of it. I'm creating a future for my family and this little one that I do any and everything for.
Life is about LIVING - It's about enjoying each moment as it comes and soaking up those moments rather than living in the past or the future at all times. It's not that the things or opportunities we want in life don't exist, its just that maybe we aren't aware yet. Maybe you don't even realize what you can do!
PLEASE, don't miss opportunities in this life because you are too wrapped up in the scary chatter in your head telling you otherwise. Do we have responsibilities as adults? Of course. So planning for the future HAS to happen, yes. Should we visit the past and the future? Yes. But occasionally. I'll tell you what I need to do less of, spending so much time on the "what ifs" or the "how comes".
"The more time you spend in the moment, the richer your life will be". Easier said than done for a person with high anxiety. But I'm living this motto and working on it everyday.
Some people may not understand your goals - But you create your reality. Growth isn't for the scared...But its much better than living the life you don't enjoy now if you really haven't GONE FOR IT. Have faith; Trust that your new life is happening and its going to be better than what you left behind!
"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."
I just started this book and love it! It's witty and fun to read while making me think. Thanks for sharing!