If you've not dealt with anxiety, I pray that it never happens in your life and that you don't have to deal with the feelings associated with it. Such a crippling way to live sometimes and it's strange that it's so mental, and all to do with feelings and emotions that get triggered throughout the day. Some of us deal with nervousness or anxiety better than others. Honestly, when I ask my husband what he thinks anxiety is like, he can't even DESCRIBE it...Because he's not been there. And what he feels as nervousness, just isn't the same. You can try to explain it to someone ALL day, but if they've never been there, its just hard to explain in a way that makes sense or doesn't make you sound silly or crazy really!
For those who don't know me, I am someone who has dealt with anxiety and depression in my life, I've struggled with it since as long as I can remember...I'm talking, way back to the Pre-K days; I just didn't know what it was at the time. I'm a very sensitive person, I get my feelings hurt easily and I'm a people pleaser. All things that probably stem from anxiety to be honest. They are not a good combination. So I've been dealing with this my whole life - at one point I was put on medication (for 2 years) to cope with it, mainly when I started my "big girl" jobs. The pressures we all face when we go from college years to being a full blown "adult" can be tough and if you don't know how to handle them, the anxiety can make its way back in. Thats what happened for me. I lost myself. I wasn't able to function. I couldn't get out of bed without my husband or family dragging me. I couldn't even drive myself to my JOB. Here I am, with responsibilities and a family to take care of and I can't even take care of myself. Sometimes I wonder, why do I have anxiety but not someone else? Why do I have to tackle this feeling from the moment my eyes open to the time I lay my head down on my pillow? But the fact of the matter is, I've got it, it's not going anywhere so I need to DEAL.
And I've dealt. I've learned to live with it, and I've done it without medication for the last 3 years (go me!). One of the biggest things that helped was my decision to do something I LOVED instead of something that just paid my bills. I think because I didn't truly love what I doing, I wasn't able to ENJOY my days. I looked for the bad in EVERY situation. I still do this sometimes. It's that never ending battle of wanting to please EVERYONE and not always just deciding to make yourself and your family happy. And I think I started to feel better about this around the age of 28. I'm not 30 years old, and I still deal with this daily BUT, I've learned that I now have a priority thats ALWAYS number one, and thats my daughter, who is now 2. SHE is the reason I do everything; the reason I get up in the morning, the reason I want to do SO much with my job and the success I want to see, is better of her. I had to realize that not everyone can be pleased or be happy with your choices, but at the end of the day, they are just that...YOUR choices. <3 We have to be happy in this life. We only have ONE to live. Why in the world allow a FEELING to control so much of our limited days here on earth?
This anxiety is what almost had me PASS UP my opportunity to become an online health and fitness coach. It almost told me I COULDN'T do this and that I wouldn't be successful. Until I shoved those thoughts in the back of my mind, and gave up the reasons it WASN'T going to work, and started thinking of why it WOULD work for me and for my family. I feel so much more FREEDOM now - freedom with my time, freedom with my choices, freedom in what I decide to do with my business, because after all, its MY business and it's a GOOD one! There are so many things we say to ourselves daily that create a NEGATIVE energy, and we can live in old moments, the past, whatever...But those things aren't going to help our future. That energy is going to breed negative energy, and thats not healthy for anyone. So if you're dealing with or have dealt with anxieties, I urge you to dive into something that is a POSITIVE light in your life daily. God, your family, your business, your DREAMS. Go for it and don't have those regrets of what if...Because thats the worst thing you can do for yourself. There is freedom in your choices, take scary risks and leave whats "safe", you might find a whole new opportunity patiently waiting for you.
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