

Jalapeno and Cheese Burgers

Don't ever tell me I'm going to have to live a life without burgers...NOT HAPPENING! Ha! And it doesn't have to.

These JALAPENO AND CHEDDAR BURGERS are the real deal, SO yummy, full of flavor, AND a part of our meal plan! This particular recipe comes from the Core De Force meal plan, just one of THOUSANDS of workouts available to stream digitally on our Beachbody On Demand App.


Here is the recipe!


1 lb organic bison
2 small jalapeƱos, seeds and veins removed and chopped
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
4 slices tomato and onion
Shredded lettuce

1. Preheat grill
2. combine bison, jalapeƱos, cheese, sauce, salt and pepper in a large mixing bowl; mix well. Shape into 4 patties
3. Grill patties on each side until done
4. Place eat patty on the lettuce and top with onion and tomato. SERVE!

EXTRA: For sweet potatoes:

TO make the sweet potatoes I preheated the oven to 425, chopped a sweet potato, and tossed it in a little olive oil, salt and pepper and garlic powder. Lay out on sheet for 30 minutes and serve!


1/2 BLUE (Full blue if adding cheese to top as well)
1/2 YELLOW (If using sweet potatoes as side


Spaghetti with Meatballs, OH MY!

There is nothing better than good old fashioned spaghetti with meatballs! This time I took a recipe from the FIXATE COOKBOOK and our entire family LOVED IT. My husband went back for seconds and my four year old slurped it up, Lady and the Tramp style :)

If you want the FIXATE cookbook for yourself and all 101 recipes that come with, here is the link to order: GET FIXATE COOKBOOK HERE

Below is the recipe: ENJOY!




You see it every so often with people who decide to talk badly on programs that they either 1. HAVEN'T DONE or 2. DIDN'T COMPLETE START TO FINISH.

Well YEAH, if you don't DO the program or do it CORRECTLY, you might not see results. But PICTURES speak for themselves.

Before becoming a virtual fitness and wellness coach 3.5 years ago, I was first just a momma post baby looking to find ME again. Through AT HOME programs, I found that. I found inner strength, I found happiness, I found healthy, I found a good balance of wellness and family.

Over the years my goals have always changed, but I think for those who began following me AFTER my big transformation, its easy to think that I never struggled, or that I'm not relatable because I've never needed to lose lbs or inches.

Baby #2 came in June and she's been such a huge blessing to our family. With that came a FRESH START. A fresh start with my fitness and nutrition journey. It's been HARD, to go from the best shape of your life to feeling like you're starting over. While I was pregnant I made much better choices than I had with our first, but I still gained MORE this pregnancy even considering all that. Recovery has been MUCH easier however.

I gained about 42 lbs this pregnancy. Bad eating in the last trimester left me with cellulite that I would like to see DISAPPEAR.

At 6 weeks PostPartum I began a 22 minute program at home called, 22 Minute HardCorps with trainer Tony Horton. I followed a container system for my food with about 2-3 meals a week NOT on the plan. I wasn't perfect. I didn't get a workout in 6 days a week every week. But I did WELL and made MUCH better choices and moved MUCH more than I was before. This program is literally 22 minutes a day!! THATS IT!

After 8 weeks following the program, I hopped on the scale. I tell ALL my clients, don't worry about the scale number, its the inches and progress pics that count. But coming back from a baby, I wanted the scale to change as well. Well, I only lost ONE lb during this program....However, the pictures speak for themselves that change DID happen, inches WERE lost, my body DID change.

Here are my results!! I wouldn't have been able to do this without my TRIBE of women who are all in my virtual fitness challenge group supporting me, encouraging me, motivating me and venting with me! They are EVERYTHING. It's not that you can't do it alone, its just MUCH harder that way.

If you need help starting. I'm here. We are here. We are doing this TOGETHER! <3 Let's find a program that suites YOUR goals and get you feeling GOOD again. The time will pass anyway, want to impress at the holiday parties? Feel great in your festive little black dress? Prep for an upcoming vacation? Or get ready for NEXT bikini season? Let's do it.

You're worth it. And you'll be better for it.




If you've followed me for a while, ORRR maybe not that long, you've seen that I have a incredible sweet tooth that I have to work toward not BINGING out because of...

Well the other night I found the PERFECT treat that switched up my already most FAVORITE sweet treat at night.

My sweet tooth rages at night around 9 PM, while we are sitting on the couch, binging our fave reality shows. This treat combines 3 ingredients to make a delicious treat that is filling!


1 honey crisp apple or a 1/2 (1 purple container or 2 if a whole apple)
4 teaspoons Justins vanilla almond butter (4 teaspoons)
1 tablespoon mini dark chocolate chips - I use the "enjoy life" brand which are dairy, soy and nut free


Cut up apple into slices
Microwave almond butter for 90 seconds or until melted
Drizzle on top of apple
Top with mini chocolate chips

It's SO simple, yet SO tasty!



Healthy Peanut Butter Cups

Momma don't PLAY when it comes to finding HEALTHY options to foods we already know and LOVE. Today was no different.

I will tell you that I EPICALLY failed at this last night...I was CRAVING sweets so I attempted mixing ingredients to get the perfect butter cup, but it just didn't happen. So of COURSE, this left me wanting to find the perfect way to make it! WE DID IT, or it's CLOSE! haha I'll probably still continue to perfect this but wanted to get it out there and share with you because its YUMMY! <3 And only contains THREE ingredients...THREE!


* 2 Scoops Vegan Shakeology {or regular} If you don't have it and need to get yours, get it here! ---> GIMME THAT YUMMY SHAKEOLOGY

* 4 Tablespoons Organic Coconut Oil

* Justin's Vanilla Almond Butter or Regular Peanut Butter


1. Take 2 tablespoons coconut oil and microwave until melted.
2. Mix above with 1 scoop vegan shakeology
3. Place mixture in 5-6 baking cups
4. Freeze for 10 minutes
5. Add 1 teaspoon almond or peanut butter to each cup
6. Mix the other half of the ingredients
7. Top the cups with the remaining mixture and freeze for 10 more minutes

*Store in freezer, or the fridge may work too but don't want to keep out because of the coconut oil ;)